Testimonial of a dgenious user: “An unlimited field of analysis.”

Jean-David Couderc, COO at Färm; the cooperative network of organic shops.
Färm was established in 2013. The vocation of this cooperative? To bring together all those involved in healthy, organic and local food. Since then, the cooperative of organic shops has grown a lot! It now has 16 shops in Belgium and more than 200 employees. The group’s management called on dgenious to make the most of all the company’s resources and optimize each of its teams’ potential. By using dgenious business intelligence solution, the objective was to allow the IT department to devote its skills to projects with higher added value. Before they created reports for the operational department. Now all our teams can produce highly accurate and personalized reports.
After 6 months of use, Jean-David Couderc, COO at Färm, has become a dgenious addict. He shares his experience with you.
Why did you choose dgenious as the BI solution for your organic retail chain?
Internally, we were looking for a powerful and easy-to-use data management tool. A solution that allows the various Färm shops to consult their data quickly and at any time. I had been presented with several BI systems but none met my requirements. Then, finally, I have been seduced by the power of the dgenious solution, which offers us an incredible number of very detailed analyses to be carried out. Today, I am delighted!
What improvements has dgenious made in your company?
1) Dgenious considerably strengthens our analysis!
Since I have access to dgenious, I use it every day without exception. It is a powerful tool!
First of all, the performance of this system gives considerable value to the network. The number of users is unlimited. This solution provides all operational staff with an exceptional range of calculations. This data collection can be customized according to each individual’s needs.
For example, each of our shop managers uses this tool according to their own needs. This is a beneficial decentralization of analysis because it is much more efficient. Dgenious allows us to use personalized resources as close as possible to the field. From now on, all of our departments can access the tool. They manage the system themselves by doing their own analyses.
It is also an opportunity to give value to the staff in our network of points of sale. In addition to the analyses that the head office shares with them, they can also contribute by creating new ones.
2) An unlimited field of analysis.
Before dgenious, in order to apply numerical analyses, these had to be imagined first. Then, an analysis filter had to be designed and created by IT. We were forced to prioritize data!
This BI solution gave me the possibility to make infinite analyses and adjust our strategies precisely. I have never had the time to collect so much consumption and customer data since I started using dgenious. In real-time and on multiple occasions, my shop needs are calculated. A major asset in this period of crisis. For example, we can meticulously consult the figures for shops open in 2020. This year, I provided a multitude of analyses of customer traffic, consumption, footfall, etc.
Without a doubt, dgenious enables us to respond more easily to identified operational needs that may be urgent, strategic or recurring.
In short, this system makes it possible to objectify almost any situation, even if the feeling on the ground ultimately allows us to validate a decision.

Would you say that our BI tool gives you an objective look at reality?
Certainly. He has helped Färm shops to become aware of their own objective reality and not just what you can perceive when you are on the ground. Dgenious limits subjectivity and allows you to be imbued with the right fact of numbers.
For example, I was able to calculate the evolution of the number of unique customers visiting our shops in relation to the turnover. Or I can find out whether people who have bought meat still do so after 3 months. Key data in the development of a shop and customer loyalty.
Could Färm do without dgenious?
No, for all the reasons mentioned above! The more I discover analyses, the more I want to discover new data. Dgenious opens our minds so much that he pushes us to go further and further.
This is also largely due to its major advantage, which differentiates it from competing BI solutions. Dgenious gives the possibility of creating specific fields and integrating them into the basic analyses. It’s incredible because it’s the possibility to customize this solution to our needs without limits. This is an advantage that I have not found anywhere else.
Two additional advantages of the dgenious system?
- The availability of the dgenious team.
Their specialists accompany us in the development of this system within our company. They are attentive and very reactive. It is a pleasure to work with them.
- The speed of implementation.
In just a few days, dgenious is installed. The game can begin!
If you had to describe dgenious in 1 sentence, what would it be?
It is a successful integration and collaboration with the dgenious team for concrete and usable operational results.
What about you? Are you ready to become a dgenious users?