“The closure of our activities was done in 2 stages. In the first stage, our eat-in restaurants were closed immediately. Some of our franchisees continued delivery and take-out sales during the first week of containement. But in a second stage, given the extent of this health crisis, we decided to suspend these activities as well, to ensure maximal safety for all our employees and customers.

Laurent Mottin, Financial Control Classcroute
dgenious has been a great help to us throughout this period. With dgenious we could:
- monitor in real time what points of sale and franchisees were suspending activities and quantify the impact on our network
- carry out a large number of critical analyses, particularly on inventories
Today, we are actively preparing to restart our activities, in close collaboration with our franchisees. Our operating mode is simple:
- At the head office level, we have a Whatsapp group to take daily news from each other and a Zoom meeting is organized every 15 days by our CEO. In particular, he gives us feedback on the discussions he has with the SNARR (a group of fast food actors).
- We organize Franchisor-Franchisee workshops. This enables us to keep this essential link with our network, adapt our organization to better overcome this situation of “inactivity” and prepare the recovery.
- We have set up working groups to organize the reopening. One of the major challenges will be the organization of the supply chain and we are already working actively on this with our suppliers.
- And we are maintaining the new shops openings!
dgenious is also a precious help to make analyses on the history of sales, revenues, articles, per point of sale, proportion of online orders, on-site sales, per point of sale, etc… in order to discuss and make decisions on objective and detailed analytical bases.
The period is obviously difficult, but we are managing it as best we can within the rules of containment and are actively and hopefully preparing for the recovery.
Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.»
Laurent Mottin