You want to develop your Franchise in 2021? Adopt optimal data management!


This year, it’s decided, you want to move up a gear.

2020 and its hazards have made you think a lot about the evolution of your franchise. Your business has seen its ups and downs. You have noticed that it is complicated to develop your franchise, while simultaneously managing an unprecedented situation. But also ensuring a precise follow-up of your data, motivating your teams and continuing to offer an optimal and adapted customer experience. The pandemic forced you to reinvent yourself.

Here are our 4 tips to make 2021 a pivotal year in the growth of your franchise.

Tip 1: Develop your franchise by learning from the crisis.

franchise development

One of the most overwhelming findings is the acceleration of the current digitalization process. It is now generalized and definitively anchored in everyone’s economic activities.

Deprived of visiting their customers in shops, all large, medium and small companies have had to be inventive to stay in touch with their consumers. On top of the physical point of sales, organizations in all sectors have added digital touchpoints such as click & collect or home delivery. 

And digitalization means analytics to develop your franchise, it is now possible and necessary to do so accurately and objectively. Every company needs to acquire the reflex to use the analytics of its results to refine its omnichannel strategy. At the beginning of this year, take the time to define your key indicators. By collecting and comparing the data, you’ll accurately monitor your franchise’s evolution according to the figures’ reality and in all your fields of action. 

This mastery, dgenious, our data management solution, brings it daily to you. Our system will allow you to consult your reports whenever and wherever you want. These reports can be viewed by sales channel, by country, by brand, over specific periods, cumulatively, etc. The possibilities are endless and available in real time.

Tip 2: To develop your franchise, be ‘pre-active’.

Mastering the management of your company’s data means giving it the opportunity to use its figures to react in real time to each given period. 

By being reactive, you can quickly adapt your strategy according to continuously updated data. In this way, you are able to influence the course of events. To monitor stocks with sales in real time, or during a commercial action for example, or a new situation comparable to the one we are experiencing today. 

By being reactive, in addition to refining your results, you will also amplify your customer contact by creating a qualitative experience that will meet their needs. To accomplish this mission, your company needs to acquire a total and granular accessibility and understanding of its data.

Tip 3: Use data to create and nurture a real relationship of trust with your customers.

the relationship between franchise and customers

Indeed, the pandemic has shaken everyone’s convictions. More than ever, this situation has provoked a questioning among customers as to the nature of their consumption. Consumers and users of your products or services are looking for landmarks, stability and organizations that reassure them. For this reason, at the beginning of 2021, we advise you to develop the bond of trust that your franchise maintains with them. There are many ways to create/renew this positive customer experience and prove that you listen to them. Even in times of crisis. One of these means… the analysis of your data

Once again, data management comes to your rescue to analyse and interpret your customers’ behaviour. Loyalty is a formidable measure of your success. 

A loyal customer is faithful, repeatedly buys at your point of sales and will be more inclined to share their personal data with your company. 

To maintain this loyalty and optimize the customer experience, in 2021 you will opt for a fine selection and meticulous monitoring of key indicators dedicated to your customers’ purchasing behaviour.

To assist you in this analysis process, our dgenious solution gives you effortless access to infinitely customizable reporting, in real time and without any particular IT knowledge. Dive deep into your data and exceptionally meet your customers’ expectations.

Tip 4: Build your franchise on the strength of your network.

Just as a business needs its consumers’ confidence to exist, franchising has this vital need for trust and cohesion between the different links of its network. To boost the development of your franchise, it is interesting to make your employees, as well as your franchisees of your group, confident in your organization

To achieve this internally, we advise you once again to use the analysis of your data. 

Indeed, this confidence can be generated by giving all your teams access to your business’s key data. Enabling them to contribute to this sharing is the best way to collaborate in 2021. This trust will be achieved through greater transparency and increased awareness of the reality of the figures. 

Increased data sharing, in real time, will lead to a greater degree of involvement in your network. Your team, now fully aware and empowered, will deliver high-quality work. They will be more involved in the company, more productive and satisfied. 

As you will have understood, to create this cohesion in 2021, use data. From now on, give more value to your results 

  • by sharing analyses, 
  • by making them accessible to all, 
  • by providing your network a real role in your franchise’s development.

Dgenious supports you in this process of promoting your network! To help you achieve this level of collaboration, we provide you with a reporting solution specially developed for the dynamic and unified management of your distribution network, personalised for each user profile

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